Integrated Load Boards
Freight Brokers’ Choice
Expand your group of carriers today! Get in front of new, tech-savvy motor carriers that our network of top tier independent load boards and apps cater to.

Post It Only Once
With LoadBoard Network, post your load only once, and it is instantly available on our network of load boards. Our load board partners can help you find capacity and grow your carrier network.
Make It Visible
Make your freight visible to thousands of quality transportation companies by broadcasting your available loads from a single control panel.

LoadBoard Network automates your posting with technology that you can trust. It’s easier than you think!
Integrated Load Boards
Bulk Loads
Delivery Brokers
Dispatch Control
Find Freight Loads
Five Star Load Board
Direct Freight Services
Internet Freight Terminal
Freight Finder
HaulPay (formerly ComFreight)
Single Point Load Board
The Transport Carrier Network
Trucker Path
US Truck Load
Truckload CPI
* LoadBoard Network posting service helps users post loads directly to many load-posting sites on the internet. These load-posting sites are owned and operated independently. Thus, LoadBoard Network’s subscription fee does not include fees or costs associated with any of these load-posting sites. Many of them, including free ones, require users to register before publishing posts.
How to Activate Free Posting Load Boards in LoadBoard Network®
Now that you have decided to give LoadBoard Network® a trial run you may be wondering how to activate free posting load boards. There are dozens of load boards to post your loads on. You will find using PostEverywhere® will speed up the process. Here’s how to get started.
Getting your sites set up is very easy. Simply click the Quick Set-Up button on LoadBoard Network® and follow the simple instructions. This, will activate almost all the load posting sites at one time. You will notice the red X has now turned to a green check mark to indicate they are activated. For best results enter your MC# and/or DOT# prior to activating the websites. This step is because some of the websites require this information in order to post.
LoadBoard Network® has a goal to be compatible with as many internet load posting and truck posting sites as possible. When new sites are added from time to time we will activate them for you. The more websites your loads are posted to, the better the odds are for you to get your loads covered and with better freight rates. When you broadcast your loads to carriers using the LoadBoard Network® interface, you get work done in a fraction of your normal load posting time. You’ll be able to reach quality carriers you’ve never done business with before.
LoadBoard Network® will broadcast your load postings to multiple load boards as quickly and accurately as possible. And remember, you can decide which websites you post your loads on. The more sites you put your loads and trucks in front of, the more offers you will receive. Usually, the small truck transportation companies you may work with now, will certainly remember you as they grow. Building long lasting relationships helps to keep your business alive and well for a long time.
As you can now see, activating your free posting load boards is not hard at all. In fact, the set up takes less time than posting to one load board in most cases. By taking this step and using LoadBoard Network® you just said yes to more free time, less stress, and better freight rates. In other words, your World just got a whole lot better!